The Importance of Networking as a Business Owner

aliso-viejo-networking-events-for-business-ownersThey say that if you want to go fast, to go it alone. But if you want to go far, you need to go with others. Nowadays, people are networking in online communities or groups. Despite all the technology available, the best relationships cultivate face to face.

To cultivate these relationships in Aliso Viejo, the Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce members meet a couple of times a month at various networking events. Our members protect and promote the local business community, with a primary goal to help one another succeed.

Why should you network?

Networking is an excellent opportunity for you to expand your network, increase your visibility in the community and establish authority for your business. We recommend you go to at least one networking event per month. Getting out in front of people will help you get to know the other business owners in the area, share and learn valuable information and establish mutually-beneficial relationships.

What if you have never networking before?

If you are not yet comfortable with networking, consider working with Foster Conversation. Ron Ruggiero’s, an Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce member, teaches unique, effective conversation methods. His program will give you a skill set that will help you become successful at relationship building and networking with new connections.

Where should you network?

The Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce hosts multiple networking events per month, shown on our events calendar. There are many benefits to joining your local Chamber of Commerce. These organizations are an invaluable tool for businesses that offer many opportunities that go far beyond just networking with other entrepreneurs.


Right now, in October 2018, we have the following events which you can register to:

Aliso Viejo Chamber – October Networking Breakfast

Hosted every 2nd Tuesday of every month.

This month the event will be on October 9 from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, but if you are an early bird you are welcome as early as 7:30 am. We recommend going to this if you are interested in getting to know the other business owners in the area. If you are not a member of the Chamber of Commerce, you are still welcome to attend this event.

To register, click here.

Leads Group

Every 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month.

Starting at 8:45 am, this event differs from a traditional networking group in that it is all about passing leads and referrals to members of the group. This group is to improve your economic development. Members will gain strategic partnerships and learn advanced selling and presentation techniques. Each member will have the opportunity to deliver a 15-minute presentation about their company.

To register, click here.

Lunch & Learn

Date of the event varies

This month’s new “Lunch & Learn” program is on October 17th at 11:30 am. The goal is to deliver material that will enhance and educate members of the community and current business topics. This month we have Trent Meng from Becoming Church present on the topic “Effective Public Speaking.” The talk will start at 12 pm and will be for 60 minutes.

To register, click here.


If you have any additional events you would like to invite the Aliso Viejo business community to, please let us know in the comments.