In light of back-to-school season, Aliso Viejo Mayor Ross Chun recently shared a few words with The Orange County Register thanking the Aliso Viejo Community Foundation for their work in the community:
“For many years, the Aliso Viejo Community Foundation has awarded scholarships to graduating seniors from Aliso Niguel High School. Since 1988, the foundation has contributed nearly $750,000 to Aliso Viejo schools, events, programs, and activities. The nonprofit’s impact has a far-reaching and positive impact on Aliso Viejo.
With the support of generous individuals, businesses and organizations throughout the community, the AVCF has provided invaluable opportunities to students and residents, including the Aliso Viejo Middle School Book Club Project and Passport to Mexico; Aliso Niguel High School grants, and Soka University grants.
Guided by the Aliso Viejo Community Foundation Board of Directors — made up of Robert Bunyan, Eric Hauber, and Russ Parker — the Foundation contributes to the community financially and serves as an example of civic engagement and support. I want to thank the AVCF for its outstanding work to benefit people in our community.”
About Mayor Ross Chun
Ross Chun has been an Aliso Viejo resident for almost 20 years and admires the city’s world-class schools, large array of recreational activities and attractive business opportunities. Before being selected to serve as Mayor for 2019, Chun served the Aliso Viejo community in many capacities, including on the Aliso Viejo Community Association Board of Directors, the Aliso Viejo Planning Commission, and as Mayor Pro Tem in 2018.
About the Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce
The mission of the Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce is to “encourage economic prosperity within the community and be an effective bridge between its businesses and the city” – and we hope that you will join us as we work together to promote and serve our community. To learn more about the benefits of membership, click here. To stay up to date on the latest news and events in the Aliso Viejo community, visit our blog!