Aliso Viejo Chamber Holds First Meeting Of The New Year

The Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce met for the first time in the new year with its new president, Al Soley. “I have a lot of energy and hope for the future,” said Soley during Tuesday morning’s Zoom meeting. Those weren’t the only words of encouragement shared during the Chamber’s monthly networking breakfast, as Board of Directors Secretary, Paula Lemkuil, shared an inspirational quote from Pope Francis:

“You can have flaws, be anxious, and even be angry, but do not forget that your life is the greatest enterprise in the world. Only you can stop it from going bust. Many appreciate you, admire you and love you. Remember that to be happy is not to have a sky without a storm, a road without accidents, work without fatigue, relationships without disappointments. To be happy is to find strength in forgiveness, hope in battles, security in the stage of fear, love in discord. It is not only to enjoy the smile, but also to reflect on the sadness. It is not only to celebrate the successes, but to learn lessons from the failures. It is not only to feel happy with the applause, but to be happy in anonymity. Being happy is not a fatality of destiny, but an achievement for those who can travel within themselves. To be happy is to stop feeling like a victim and become your destiny’s author. It is to cross deserts, yet to be able to find an oasis in the depths of our soul…”

Although the Chamber’s meetings are being held virtually due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the group’s members are still making meaningful connections and supporting one another’s business goals. The AVCC also welcomed several new members over the past few months including:

The Chamber is also offering free help for businesses in need of advertising during this time. Current members are eligible to promote their business on the Chamber’s social media channels and in their monthly newsletter at no cost. Those who qualify can send their information, flyers, or special promotions to

The next Networking Breakfast will be held on Tuesday, February 9th at 8:00 am. Everyone who attends will have a chance to introduce themselves and deliver a short message, share a request, or tip for dealing with this difficult time.


We hope that you will join us as we work together to promote and serve our community. This is a perfect opportunity to become a member of the Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce! Please check out the benefits and perks of membership.