What You Should Consider When Making Your New Year’s Resolution

With 2020 behind us, it seems things can only get brighter in the year ahead. Whether it’s a personal resolution, career transition or business goal, about 45% of Americans make a New Year’s resolution.

Unfortunately, many people lose their willpower along the way. Did you know only about eight percent of those people stick with their resolutions through the end of the year? Check out these other interesting statistics on New Year’s Resolutions.

Resolution Statistics

Studies show women are more likely to make a New Year’s resolution, but it’s actually men who are better at keeping them. When it comes to resolutions like eating better, exercising more, and getting enough sleep, men reported a seven to 17% higher success rate.

Thirty-one days will go by fast, and if you can make it through January, you significantly increase your chances of achieving your goal. Only about two-thirds of people will make it through January.

How To Keep Your Resolutions

To keep on track, consider enlisting some help. Having someone cheer you on is a great way to achieve your New Year’s resolution. Almost 60% of people who had someone help monitor their progress achieved their goal. That’s compared to just 29% who did it alone.

If you’re looking to achieve goals related to your career, think about joining your local Chamber of Commerce. Making new connections with career-oriented people is a great way to network and promote yourself or your business. The Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce knows anything is possible if you’re willing to put in the work!


We hope that you will join us as we work together to promote and serve our community. This is a perfect opportunity to become a member of the Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce! Please check out the benefits and perks of membership.


We Are Here To Help Our Members  

During this time, please let us know if you have any specials or promotions.  We would love to help get the word out for you! Please email the information and any flyer that you have to info@alisoviejochamber.com, and we will help with the promotion.