Welcome New Members!


We would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest Chamber members, Fresh Brothers, LonDance Studio, and Hoag Hospital! As your Chamber of Commerce, we’re here to help you get to know the businesses and leaders that make up our growing community.


Fresh Brothers

Fresh BrothersFresh Brothers is so much more than your average pizza joint. They serve Chicago-style pizza with a California twist that makes our mouths water just thinking about it. And just as their name suggests, everything is prepared fresh daily. Their sauce is filled with 100% fresh tomatoes and they wouldn’t dream of using concentrate. Their mozzarella cheese is all-natural with no added preservatives. Their wings, chicken tenders, and even their fries are always baked, never fried. They even have a special section in their kitchen dedicated to gluten-free foods and a vegan menu that includes everything from vegan pizza to vegan tenders! From the food they serve to their dedication to the community, this restaurant has a fresh and new way of doing things that sets them apart from the rest.

Join us for Fresh Brothers ribbon cutting celebration on Thursday, June 21st at 12pm and treat your taste buds to a treat! To learn more, visit the Fresh Brothers’ website.


LonDance Studio

LonDance StudioLonDance is a premier dance studio with instructors that make learning to dance as easy as they do fun. Their certified instructors teach a variety of different dances including Salsa, Rumba, Swing, Waltz, Tango, and more. Aside from their expertise, Londance takes great pride in the warm and welcoming environment they have created over the last 26 years. It’s an environment that instills confidence in its dancers, giving them the skills needed to dance in any setting. Whether dancing competitively or simply looking for an entertaining night out, LonDance will help you reach your goals and make you feel right at home.

They even offer a free dance lesson to new students! To learn more, visit their website or call (949) 448-7955.


Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian

Hoag Hospital Hoag Memorial Hospital is a nonprofit regional healthcare network that provides the highest quality healthcare to the Orange County community for more than 60 years. With two acute-care hospitals, nine urgent care centers, six health centers and a team of 1,500 physicians, 5,500 employees, and 2,000 volunteers, Hoag is able to provide unsurpassed personalized care. It’s no surprise that 400,000 patients choose Hoag each year. They’ve even been named as one of 2016’s 100 Greatest Hospitals in America. It is a true honor to welcome such a prestigious establishment into our chamber community! To learn more, visit www.hoag.org.