Stay Healthy This Flu Season

With more than 900 confirmed flu cases already reported locally, flu season is in full swing. And according to Orange County public health officials, flu cases are rising rapidly in recent weeks. Symptoms can include fever, cough, sore throat, congestion, headaches, body aches, chills, and fatigue. Yuck! While your best defense is to get a flu vaccination, we put together a list of tips and healthy habits worth adopting to keep you and your loved ones healthy and safe.

Tips to avoid getting sick, flu season, stay healthyWash Your Hands Often

It may sound obvious, but washing your hands frequently can drastically reduce your chances of becoming sick. Even if you haven’t come in direct contact with someone who is sick, you should be washing your hands throughout the day. To eliminate germs from your skin, you need to scrub hard with hot water for at least 20 seconds.

Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Lack of sleep significantly affects your immune system, inhibiting it from functioning as it should. A full night’s sleep helps keep your body’s natural defenses operating at optimum efficiency.

Stay Hydrated

When your body is properly hydrated, it has a better chance of fighting off infection. When you’re under the weather, drinking extra water helps prevent dehydration caused by fever, loosens mucus, and keeps your throat moist.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is a great way to relieve stress – when you’re stressed, your body is more susceptible to infection. In addition to relieving stress, exercise has also been thought to stimulate the immune system and promote healthy sleep.

Listen To Your Body

If you begin to feel out of sorts, take it easy. Expending excessive energy steals valuable resources from the immune system making it more difficult for your body to heal. The earlier you can start taking care of your body, the earlier your body can start recovering.

If you do find yourself fighting the flu and your symptoms become worse after the first three days, don’t hesitate to see your doctor or go to the walk-in clinic. The flu can leave your body vulnerable to more dangerous infections, such as pneumonia. So don’t wait!


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