Saving and Conserving Energy In Aliso Viejo

After a week of Excessive Heat Warnings, brush fires, and threats of rolling power outages across Southern California, state officials are urging people to conserve energy as the electrical grid continues to struggle to meet demands. Conservation efforts during these times can help prevent equipment failures and unplanned power losses. Here are a few ways you can help save energy and a little cash.


  • Cook with your grill or microwave to keep your home cooler.
  • Replace your incandescent light bulbs with more efficient LEDs.
  • Give your dryer a break and hang-dry your clothes.


  • Unplug electronic devices and chargers when they aren’t in use.
  • Activate your TV’s energy-saving features. 
  • Plug your entertainment system electronics into a surge protector with a switch, and reduce your TV’s light output and backlight settings.
  • Turn off your computer anytime you’ll be away longer than two hours, and shut off your monitor anytime you take a break that is 20 minutes or longer. 

Cooling Methods:

  • Give your air conditioner a rest when you can and cool your home with open windows and fans.
  • Close your blinds to keep out the afternoon heat.
  • Set your thermostat to 78 degrees when you are home and to 85 degrees or “off” when you are away.

By working together to help conserve energy, you’re helping the Aliso Viejo community stay cool and avoid rotating outages that could negatively affect our businesses and most vulnerable members. We hope that you will join us as we work together to promote and serve our community.


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