Respecting Thy Neighbor: Pet Etiquette


Daylight Saving Time is upon us, and that means we will soon be enjoying an extra hour of sunlight. While Aliso Viejo is very much a community about local businesses and enterprises, we also are quite fond of our pets too!  If part of your routine includes an evening stroll with your pet, remember these simple tips to help create a community we can all enjoy.

Always Use A Leash:

This rule is important for both the wellbeing of Aliso Viejo residents and your dog. Just because you love your dog doesn’t mean everyone else does. It’s always better to assume someone is not a dog person and keep your dog close by than to assume the opposite and risk upsetting someone. 

You may also be surprised at how your dog reacts to an unfamiliar pet. Your dog may be well-behaved off-leash, but you should consider other pets on a leash may not be okay with an unfamiliar dog. Remember, a leash protects your dog from the unexpected.

Clean Up After Your Pet:

Make it a priority to always leave the house with a doggy bag. If you find yourself forgetting, keep an extra one tied to your pet’s leash. Additionally, just because you pick up after your pet doesn’t mean you should let them go to the bathroom anywhere. Some neighbors might prefer to keep their lawns dog free, so keep this in mind when walking in your neighborhood.

Leaving your dog’s waste behind not only creates a potential mess but can also be a health risk. Dog waste carries bacteria and parasites, like hookworms. These parasites can be passed to other dogs if sniffed, touched, or ingested. 

Always Obey:

Don’t leave your dog in a locked car for extended periods of time – especially if it’s hot outside. In California, animal abuse laws prohibit leaving your pet in an unattended vehicle when the animal is subjected to conditions that may affect its health.

Remember, taking your dog for a walk or to the park should be a fun experience for you and those around you. Pet politeness goes a long way! Thank you.

Join the Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce:

The Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce is committed to cultivating a diverse group of member organizations that represent all industries present in the Aliso Viejo community. If you’re considering becoming a member, we encourage you to the benefits that come with membership and to attend one of our upcoming events. We’d love to have you join us!