By Mayor Dave Harrington

The City of Aliso Viejo will turn 16 on July 1 and will have a birthday celebration on June 24th at the Aquatic Center. We have much to be proud of considering the short time since incorporation – from Soka University to the Town Center, the AV Country Club to the Renaissance and our world-class schools to the Aquatic Center. It has been quite an inspiring transformation.
The City, however, is more than the facilities and amenities available to its residents. It is the RESIDENTS who make this City what it is today and what it will be in the future. For the second straight year, the City has been ranked the 3rd safest city in the state. Credit goes first to our residents, second to our first responders from the Sheriff’s Department, and last but certainly not least, the Orange County Fire Authority. Together, we have grown to be a close-knit community with our priorities in order. We will not rest on our laurels and will strive to remain inspired to care for our community and to look out for each other.
I cannot help but look to the future and wonder how we will look 16 years from now. Currently, our government is separated into two main bodies serving the same constituency, Aliso Viejo Community Association (the master association) and the City government. Will this be sustainable moving forward? Should we be looking at ways to provide a higher level of service and programs to our residents without duplicating efforts or expenses? This is a conversation we need to engage in so we may operate in the most effective manner for our residents. We have designed and are currently moving forward on a plan to reshape the last parcel of the old Moulton Ranch (across from Aliso Viejo Middle School). The City is moving this project forward and will provide educational programming to serve all residents. We look forward to future smart-growth plans in the Town Center area providing our residents with more choices for where they spend their time and money. The ability of the City government to deliver services and complete projects in a fiscally responsible manner is an advantage that cannot be overlooked.
I wish our City a Happy Birthday, and as we move into adulthood, I look forward to what will be while never forgetting from where we came. Join us on June 24th from noon to 3 p.m. at the Aquatic Center for the celebration – and as always, continue to Live Life Inspired.