Laura’s House | Aliso Viejo Chamber Member of the Month

Inspired by a real victim of domestic violence, Laura’s House has provided shelter and supportive services to thousands of abused women, men and children, and has provided counseling and legal advocacy to over 55,000 people in Orange County. The organization originally started in 1994, and has opened several locations over the last three decades. This includes two residential facilities to house victims of domestic abuse, a domestic violence advocacy center, two resale stores and their flagship Domestic Violence Resource Center located in  Aliso Viejo.

Their relentless work to help the community and people affected by domestic violence is truly inspiring; that’s why they’re our Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce Member of the Month. We wanted to learn more about what Laura’s House does for the City of Aliso Viejo and surrounding communities. Here’s what CEO Margaret Bayston had to say:

AVCC: Can you tell us about the history of Laura’s House?

Margaret Bayston: Laura’s House began in 1994 as a small walk-in center for people affected by domestic violence. It was a resource for victims to get the help they needed to escape domestic violence situations. The organization is named after a local woman, Laura, who had been abused by her husband and later died of her injuries. Laura’s mother came to Laura’s House founders and asked if they would create a place where women like her daughter would be able to get the help they needed. A year later, with the help of a generous donor we were able to purchase a property and open an emergency residential shelter. 

We now have two residential facilities where we can house women, men and their children who are victims of domestic abuse. We also have a domestic violence advocacy center (DVAC) in the Garden Grove/Orange area where we provide counseling and legal services, two resale stores in San Juan Capistrano and Lake Forest, and our flagship Domestic Violence Resource Center in Aliso Viejo.

AVCC: What does Laura’s House do for the areas it serves?

Margaret Bayston: Laura’s House provides a comprehensive range of services for those affected by domestic violence including a 24-hour crisis hotline, counseling and therapeutic services, legal advocacy and court support, Prevention and Education classes for teens on healthy relationships which includes providing workshops for more than 80 middle and high school classes in the Orange County area.  We also provide emergency shelter and transitional housing in an undisclosed location for families fleeing domestic abuse.

AVCC: What has your experience been like working in Aliso Viejo? 

Margaret Bayston: We have been in the Aliso Viejo area since the fall of 2019, and have found the community members to be very welcoming, friendly and supportive of our mission.  Aliso Viejo is a very family friendly city and I believe that most of the residents appreciate the services that we can provide to keep our communities healthier and educated about domestic abuse. 

AVCC: What do you enjoy most about the Aliso Viejo community?

Margaret Bayston: We are thankful for the support and warm welcome we’ve received from Aliso Viejo city staff, local merchants, and neighbors in the area.  We hope to be able to meet and work with many more businesses in the near future.

AVCC: How has the AV Chamber helped your business?

Margaret Bayston: Andrea McCallister and I were introduced a couple of months ago to the Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce and were thrilled to be welcomed with open arms.  We made many new contacts that we are excited to pursue, and we’re convinced that being members of the Chamber will be an excellent source of leads and support for our services in the community.

We are hosting our Open House and ribbon cutting with the AV Chamber on Sept 30th, 2021 from 3-5:30pm.  We will have food, drinks and special presentations. We’re looking forward to conducting tours of our facility and showcasing our programs and services to community members.


We hope that you will join us as we work together to promote and serve our community. This is a perfect opportunity to become a member of the Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce! Please check out the benefits and perks of membership.