Good Vibes, New Facilities & CBD Oil | AVCC July Networking Event

“Your vibe affects your tribe.” 

Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce Board Director Dave Stefanides started off July’s AVCC networking breakfast with that inspirational quote. Though short and sweet, the quote’s meaning is simple. If we surround ourselves with positive people, we eventually emulate that energy, and it’s that vibe that helps us achieve our goals in life and in business.

The Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce also welcomed its newest member, Ernest Shahbazian of Orange County Behavioral Health. The Regional Director of Business Development & Marketing spoke about their new facility located in Aliso Viejo. Aliso Ridge Behavioral Health’s grand opening, which is scheduled for this summer, is expected to create about 250 jobs. 

The new 80,000 square-foot inpatient & outpatient psychiatric center will house 119 beds for children, adolescents, adults, and seniors in need of mental health services. The building’s design concept features open and serene spaces to create a safe and therapeutic environment. The hospital will be open 24/7 and offers free assessments for patients. 

Chamber members were also treated to a guest speaker during the monthly networking event, Chief Medical Officer of Irvine Clinical Research Dr. Dung Trinh. The best-selling author and return AVCC speaker, talked about the endocannabinoid system(ECS) and how it interacts with CBD oil. According to Dr. Trinh, the ECS is a biological system composed of endocannabinoids that wasn’t discovered until the early 1990’s by a team of researchers studying the different compounds in the marijuana plant. 

Dr. Trinh also shared that the marijuana plant has more than 100 different compounds, but only one (THC) that actually gives us the feeling of being “high.” During their years of testing, the research team realized the plant’s other compounds were able to bind to receptors in the ECS and help bring the entire system back into balance without feeling the effects of THC. For example, pain is driven by inflammation, so when CBD oil is ingested and binds to ECS receptors, it decreases inflammation and helps alleviate pain.

To Learn More About Dr. Trinh, Click HERE.


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