Gabriela Littlejohn’s Presentation Ushers in the Spirit of Community and Giving at the November AVCC Networking Breakfast

AVCC Networking BreakfastNovember’s AVCC Networking Breakfast was a heartwarming occasion, bringing together members of the Chamber and the business community to celebrate local connections. Held on November 14th, 2023, at the Wedgewood Aliso Viejo Center, the meeting was a blend of networking, insightful presentation, and community spirit.


The morning began with a lively greeting to new and existing Chamber members, followed by a networking session that set the stage for meaningful connections. In the spirit of the holiday season, the ambiance was one of camaraderie and anticipation for the upcoming festivities.


A buffet breakfast featured a variety of options that catered to all tastes. Chamber members contributed opportunity drawing items that enhanced the community bond and offered an opportunity to showcase their businesses.

This Month’s Speaker: Gabriela Littlejohn from The Boys and Girls Club of Capistrano Valley


Speaker Gabriela Littlejohn, from The Boys and Girls Club of Capistrano Valley, engaged the audience with a lively discussion of “Operation Holiday Homework (OHH).” This initiative emphasizes the importance of education and rewards youth who prioritize their homework. Through OHH, students have the chance to shop for holiday gifts for their families, a meaningful reward for their academic dedication.

Speaker Gabriela Littlejohn, from The Boys and Girls Club of Capistrano Valley

Gabriela’s presentation was informative and motivational, highlighting how each member could support this noble cause during the holiday season. The upcoming event details, including the opportunity to volunteer and donate, were shared, with an invitation extended for December 8th, 2023, at Aliso Viejo’s Ranch.

If you missed this event, you can register for the next AVCC Networking Breakfast on December 12, 2023. The entry fee remains $14.95 with online pre-payment and $19.95 at the door. We’re excited to welcome new and familiar faces!

The Chamber extends its appreciation to the Wedgewood Aliso Viejo Center for their continuous support and hospitality, and to Gabriela Littlejohn for reminding us of the impact of community initiatives.

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