Flu Season is Coming to Aliso Viejo

We are just days away from Christmas, and before we know it, we will slide into the New Year.

Last January there were more than 900 confirmed flu cases reported in Aliso Viejo. According to Orange County public health officials, the 2019 flu is going to be much of the same. If you have not already done so, now is the time to be getting your flu vaccinations.

To help keep you and your loved ones healthy and safe this flu season, the Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce has put together a couple of tips to help you stay healthy this flu season.

1. Wash Your Hands

Washing your hands with hot water for at least 20 seconds a couple times throughout the day can significantly improve your chances of staying healthy. Even if you haven’t come in direct contact with someone who is sick, you are always in common areas, like the office, where someone may have been sick. There is really no way around it! A good rule is to try to wash your hands after you enter both the bathroom and the kitchen to try to eliminate germs from your skin.

2. Stay Hydrated

The daily recommended intake of water is about 64oz for the average adult. When your body is properly hydrated, it has a better chance of fighting off infection. Drinking extra water helps prevent dehydration caused by fever, loosens mucus, and keeps your throat moist. If you prefer to drink sweeter drinks, you should buy some Tea from Epiphany Tea. Just remember to mix in some glasses of water too!

3. Exercise Regularly

When you are stressed, your body is more susceptible to infections. We recommend exercising regularly to relieve your stress and stimulate the immune system to keep your body healthy. Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce member F45 Training is a really fun local workout spot that helps you stay on track by offering daily group classes. If you have kids, you could also consider getting your exercise as a family at the Renaissance Sportsclub. Our members offer great fitness classes you can sign up for and try.

4. Listen To Your Body

Be mindful of how your body is feeling and don’t push yourself too hard. If you begin to feel out of sorts, take it easy for a few days and rest up. Expending excessive energy steals valuable resources from the immune system making it more difficult for your body to heal. And if you feel like you are starting to experience symptoms, be proactive and visit Hoag Hospital. They are a trusted member of the Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce and will help you get better. The earlier you can start taking care of your body, the earlier your body can start recovering.

Know the Symptoms of the Flu

One of the reasons the flu gets spread so easily is because symptoms aren’t recognized and the virus has a chance to spread. Symptoms of the flu are; fatigue, sore throat, cough, runny nose, headaches or muscle aches. If you or someone in your family is having one or all of these symptoms, don’t wait to see a doctor.

Wishing you all a happy holiday filled with good health.