Celebrate the Holidays with Aliso Viejo’s Chamber of Commerce

As we are closing out the year, there are only a few more Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce events left. If you are a local business owner who has been eyeing the Chamber, this is the perfect opportunity to join. You can get to know our members in a more casual setting, easily showcase your business in the gift drawing, and hit the ground running in 2019!

There are two opportunities to join us in our celebrations:

December 11th – Monthly Networking Breakfast

This month’s networking breakfast is a little different to acknowledge the holidays. This annual event usually has a much higher attendance because businesses get to showcase their products or services on display tables (available at $25.00 per table). Another unique thing about this breakfast is that we will be doing a drawing of gifts! If you would like to add a gift to the drawing, please let us know when you register.

Like usual, early-bird networking starts at 7:30 a.m. The event runs from 8am-9am at the Aliso Viejo Center. To pre-register online, please click here.

December 16th – Breakfast with Santa

Another member favorite is the Breakfast with Santa at Renaissance ClubSport. Join us as we jingle & mingle with Santa and celebrate the Holidays! Enjoy your favorite breakfast specialties along with crafts for kids and spiked hot cocoa and mimosas for the adults.

Santa will be making a special appearance so make sure to bring your cameras, letters to Santa and your whole family! (Children’s activities are available throughout the seating – Coloring pages, crafts and letters to Santa)

Early reservations are recommended as this event sells out quickly. For event details, please go to our event page. If you would like to go to the event, please register by calling 949-330-5560.