The Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce hosted their monthly Networking Breakfast this past Tuesday, July 9. The event took place at the Aliso Viejo Center, where guests gathered outside on the patio to enjoy the crisp morning air, a refreshing change from the event’s habitual in-hall dining experience.
As the summer months typically see many disappear to far-off locales, the number of Chamber member representatives and guests were fewer than usual. However, despite the smaller gathering, the crowd remained buoyant and sociable.
After initial introductions over coffee and orange juice, the Chamber welcomed all in attendance, giving special attention to first time guests. Additionally, the Chamber’s Director of Membership, Derrick Brown, highlighted the organization’s newest members: C3 Private Wealth Advisors with Ameriprise Financial and Even Stephen Movement.

Following a few words from each new member organization, Director of Ambassadors Bree Maloney spotlighted the other cheerleaders of the Chamber in attendance.
With all housekeeping items completed, the event continued with the morning’s planned networking activity. This month, guests were encouraged to participate in small Q&A sessions where members at each table took turns answering a featured question. Table assignments were chosen at random when guests arrived at the breakfast, and questions were pre-assigned to each table.
Questions included: “What was your first job?” “What do you currently do and what do you like best about it?” and also “If you could leave right now to go on vacation, where would you go and why?”
Overall, the atmosphere was warm and friendly as Chamber members and guests alike exchanged stories, with one member recounting their time as a Girl Friday, and another detailing their stint as an avocado picker, among other unique jobs.
After the question and answer portion of the morning, Chamber president Jim Sidaris wrapped up the breakfast with announcements of upcoming events and a final commission for guests to continue to network and exchange business cards.
Interested in Joining Our Next Event?
The Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce creates member-to-member and member-to-community connections through events both online and offline, like this Networking Breakfast. The Networking Breakfast takes place every second Tuesday of the month at the Aliso Viejo Conference Center, but there are many other events that you can attend in as well. To learn more about our upcoming meetups, visit our events page.
Also, if you’re interested in becoming a member of the Chamber, we’d love to have you! Click here to learn more about the benefits of joining.