2021 Fire Season | Prepare Your Aliso Viejo Home & Business

Wildfire season in Southern California has already started, and the predictions for this year are alarming. With the recent dry warm winds swirling through Aliso Viejo and nearby areas, California’s top fire officials are warning the 2021 fire season could quickly become the worst on record.

Last year, California endured its worst fire season on record, with more than four million acres burned. The threat of an even more grim year means that preparing the area surrounding your business or home ahead of time is essential. Here are a few things to help you protect your property as we move through fire season.

Protect Your Home

Structures survive wildfires because of vegetation management. Regardless of your budget, there are things you can do to make your property less vulnerable. Fire officials suggest removing dead or dying plants, pruning or thinning trees and shrubs, and replacing fire-prone plants with fire-resistant and drought-tolerant plants.

Remove Fuel Sources

Areas at the edge of the wilderness are the most vulnerable to wildfires. They’re known as Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). Most homes in WUI areas ignite due to external sources. In order to protect your home or business and reduce potential threats, you should remove anything within 30 feet of your home that could be used as a fuel source. Those items include construction materials, vehicles, or boats. Depending on the intensity of the fire, embers can be carried more than a mile away, which can put homes located blocks away in danger. 

Prepare Ahead of Time

Creating defensible space means controlling, trimming, or removing vegetation within 100 feet of your property to slow or stop the spread of wildfires. Fire officials recommend installing or retrofitting your home with fire-resistant construction materials that will reduce the threat from embers, flames, and radiant heat. 

Get a Home Assessment

A home assessment is a consultation with an OCFA representative who will examine the outside of your home and surrounding property. They can explain specific steps you can take to reduce the risk of wildfire damage or destruction.


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