Last year, the goal of our beautiful city was to define who Aliso Viejo is as a city. This year, the city looks to a new goal – to “Live Life Inspired.” But what exactly does this mean? Mayor David Harrington took a moment to share his thoughts on this topic.

“The City of Aliso Viejo will celebrate its sweet 16th birthday this year. The City embarked upon a rebranding in 2016 to define who we are as a city, distinguish ourselves, and identify our uniqueness for businesses, visitors, residents and potential residents. Every portion of Aliso Viejo from the shape of the City to the available amenities to the residents was examined and used to inspire the final product. The new logo, containing an A above a V, is in the shape of a diamond, much like the City itself when looked at from the sky. The tagline is “Live Life Inspired” because of the people who make up our community, the amenities we enjoy living here and how we serve others every day.
Living Life Inspired. Inspired means to be of extraordinary quality, as if arising from some external creative impulse. We looked at the entire City and what it offered the community overall, from the trails to businesses to the people who make up our community. This self-examination resulted in the realization that our residents really live inspired lives. The Aliso Niguel High School Food Club, started by Kalen and Trishna Patel, gathers food for Second Harvest Food Bank run by its CEO and Aliso Viejo’s very own Nicole Sudyam. They volunteer their time in service of others in need. AJ Sura, owner of G2 Bike, finds inspiration in cycling and teaching others the proper techniques for safe and fast riding. The Aliso Niguel Make-a-Wish Club raised money for a local 5-year-old boy battling cancer. My wife Michele found inspiration in the adoption of our Marine Corps unit, the 1st Maintenance Battalion out of Camp Pendleton. Michele heads up the Citizen’s Committee finding ways for citizens to get involved in helping the Marines and for ways the Marines can get involved in the community. It is important the Marines understand the greater purpose of their service and sacrifice. They are fighting to make sure our way of life and our freedoms and liberty carry forward forever. This has inspired others to get involved like 2015 Citizen of the Year Heidi Stoops. Heidi finds time to volunteer on the committee and has been integral to its success. And then there is Karen Moreno of the Alicante Apartments, who has recently stepped up and involved her community in this endeavor. Recently, Karen and her Alicante community held a “Baby Shower” for the Battalion gathering needed items for Marine families with new additions including hand-sewn quilts from a resident of the City of Garden Grove, a crib, diapers and so much more.
There are also inspired corporations in our City like 2016 Citizen of the Year Fluor Corporation. Fluor partners with our Boys & Girls Club rewarding kids who participate in the homework club. Each Christmas, kids from the club who work hard on their school work come to Fluor to shop for gifts not only for themselves but for their family as well. It is inspiring to watch these kids reaping the rewards for their efforts.
These are but a few examples of inspiration throughout our community. It is what makes living here so satisfying, so…inspiring! Happy sweet 16 to our beautiful City, strong like a diamond and a place to Live Life Inspired!” – Mayor David Harrington
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